Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Uses of electro pendants

 An electro pendant

An electro pendant is a loose-hanging piece of jewellery attached to a necklace. This product is extremely popular   in the world as far as wellness accessory is concerned because it has apparently had an effect on those who have used it. This pendant removes the imbalances of our body which   causes our cells to become weak and lower our energy level.
There are various options to choose from. You can choose from Agate Electroplated Pendants For Sale or Faceted Drop Electro Pendants.

Why wear one
Using electro pendants will benefit you in many ways. These are only some. It will:
·         Improve circulation and energise body fluid
·         Invigorate and refresh your mind and body
·          Convert the water in the body to smaller molecules with better cleansing and healing powers.
·         Neutralize the harmful effects of   electro-magnetic radiation.
·         Reduce inflammation.  
·         Enhance the immune system  
·          Can improve water quality by simply putting the glass of water on top of the pendant.
·         Helps to protect DNA from damage.
·         Control the aging process  
·         fight cancer cells

Though the Tibetan pendants in India give you similar benefits as many people say but you would not know whether you are getting a genuine one. On the other hand electro pendants are safely recognisable and often can be done by one self thus making it more worthy of giving you the above mentioned benefits.

Monday, August 6, 2018


Healing crystals are trendy at this moment. It seems like even celebrities have started flaunting their high-vibe collections. After choosing your crystal, it is important to understand and incorporate the benefits of your crystals wisely for optimum results.
Many many years of the Earth’s history is stored within them that you can easily harness to tap into your most magnificent and beautiful self. But a crystal routine that works for one person won't necessarily work for another person.


A simple way to connect with crystals is through meditation. Start this process with your crystal in one or both hands as you close your eyes and focus on your breath and just relax. You may feel your body sink into the earth, creating a vibrating effect.
You may feel airy and light surrounding you or you may feel these later with time but not right away. Each crystal feels different, so be patient and keep on experimenting with them until you reach a conclusion.


Crystal grids help to transform the energy in a certain space. Pick some stones set them up in a grid in a symmetrical pattern.
The crystals work to manifest your intentions, while the sacred geometry of a grid helps you to accomplish your task quicker. If you use cloths that are printed with a sacred geometrical pattern it is more beneficial as it adds even more energy to your crystal grid.
You can refer to Feng Shui principles to make a better decision of what colors of stones to use or the location to place your grid in your home for your specific intention.


Sacred spaces are needed for meditation and yoga practice spaces. These displays require your crystals to add a beautiful piece of earthy energy and help to bring a grounding presence. The crystals also remind you to hold onto and reconnect with your intention each time you revisit your sacred space.
One of the most popular crystals is Amethyst for sacred spaces because it helps to emit positive energy and helps to sink into a deeper state of meditation.
Crystal points can help you find or discover an intention in your sacred space. Just write your specified intention on a piece of paper and place it on top of a cloth or paper on the floor of your sacred place so your intentions become clearer and the energy is sent into the universe.


The energy in your body increases and you can feel the energy the more you stay in contact with the crystal lying on your body. You can carry a crystal in your pocket and pull it out whenever you want to revisit your intentions.

Crystal Export helps you to find your perfect crystal for your specific intentions and also informs you ways to benefit from them. Visit their site to bring the magic in you!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Crystal healing is a medical technique which is used alternatively in which crystals and stones help to protect against diseaseand cure ailments. Followers of this technique believe that crystals act as catalysts for healing to decrease the time for healing — allowing healing and positive energy to flow into the body as disease-causing,negative, badenergy flows out. 


During a session of treatment, a crystal healer places various types of stones or crystals on your body that has proper alignment with your chakra points, in the regions above the head, on the forehead, on the chest, on the gut, and on other areas.
The stones used help to identify the symptoms of illness and are later reported by the patient after the treatment. This is all influenced by the healer's knowledge in the philosophy of disease in the chakra and energy imbalances.


Crystal healers are qualified for this task after passing a certification course of Natural Medicines. In some states, this alternative treatment falls under the category of massage or body therapy. In those states, crystal healers have to obtain a license in order to practice their trade. 

Crystal Export is a trusted company that provides different collections of crystals for the treatment of your intentions. Visit their site, for better knowledge of crystals and purchase their authentic range of crystals.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tips for Purchasing the Best Reiki Jewelry

You need to make sure that if you are purchasing some reiki jewelry that you are getting the right one for your requirements. There are plenty of things to take into consideration, including the type of jewelry, gemstones and more. Make sure that if you are also taking the cost into consideration as well as the specific healing elements of the gemstones and much more. Here are just a few of the things that you should be thinking about when you are purchasing something.

Type of Jewelry

There are various types of jewelry and other pieces that you can pick for reiki, including:

  • Necklaces
  • Key chains
  • Beads
  • Massage wands
  • Arrowheads

These are just a few of the most commonly purchased ones that you can find. Make sure that you pick the one that work the best for you, especially if you want one that you can wear or simply hold. These can work for both men and women, so find the one that you love to start wearing or carrying it with you.

Gemstone Type

There are plenty of types of gemstones that you can pick from that would work for you, such as:

  • Crystals in various colors and types
  • Agate
  • Ruby
  • Mixed

Ensure that you are finding the right gemstone that would meet all of your needs, especially if you are trying to reset your chakras. There are plenty of options that you can find that would have all of the necessary stones that you can use for the entire body, so make sure to find the one that works the best for you.


One of the things that most people need to take into consideration when they are buying jewelry is the cost. You should make sure that you have a budget set aside so that you can find the one that you love that works within the amount that you have set. This will help you to find the right piece that you don’t have to spend too much money on to have the right effects on your body and mind. If you want to get a complete set of stones, then make sure that you find the one that you love and that fits your budget and other needs.

You should make sure that you are picking the best type of jewelry for your needs, which might be balancing your chakras or for any other needs. If you want something that you can wear, then look at the necklaces, but there are other options with plenty of gemstone choices. Make sure that you think about the cost when you are looking at the options on Crystal Export. Go ahead and get the one that fits all of your needs, including the type, cost and the gemstones that are available.

About Author :

Crystal export is a renowned and reliable company dealing with the manufacture and export of wide varieties of crystals. Crystal Export manufactures all kind of metaphysical crystals & new age crystals products. Visit : https://www.crystalexport.com/

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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Best Gemstones for Healing Purposes

You should look at all of the gemstones that are available when you are looking for jewelry or other items for healing. However, you would need to know what are the best ones when it comes to healing, so make sure to do your research. Here are just a few of the top ones that you can purchase for all of your healing requirements no matter what they are.

Best Gemstones

You need to buy the best gemstones for all of your healing needs. The most popular ones include:

  • Crystals that are used for stimulating the mind and the body
  • Rose quartz is used for calming and soothing
  • Jade can strengthen the heart and kidneys
  • Amethyst can help you to sleep better and decrease anxiety

These are just a few of the many stones that can be used for healing of the entire body.

You should ensure that you are buying the right gemstones for your healing requirements. You can find a wide variety of them available at Crystal Export and they would cover all of your needs. Ensure that you find the one that you need, especially if you want one that can calm you down or even help you to sleep better.

Profile Links:

Facebook Link: Crystal Export

Twitter Link: Crystal Export

LinkedIn Link: Crystal Export

Pinterest Link: Crystal Export

Google+ Link: Crystal Export

Google Map Link: Crystal Export

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Best Gemstones for Healing Purposes

Best Gemstones

You need to buy the best gemstones for all of your healing needs. The most popular ones include:

  • Crystals that are used for stimulating the mind and the body
  • Rose quartz is used for calming and soothing
  • Jade can strengthen the heart and kidneys
  • Amethyst can help you to sleep better and decrease anxiety

These are just a few of the many stones that can be used for healing of the entire body.

You should ensure that you are buying the right gemstones for your healing requirements. You can find a wide variety of them available at Crystal Export and they would cover all of your needs. Ensure that you find the one that you need, especially if you want one that can calm you down or even help you to sleep better.

Profile Links:

Facebook Link: Crystal Export

Twitter Link: Crystal Export

LinkedIn Link: Crystal Export

Pinterest Link: Crystal Export

Google+ Link: Crystal Export

Google Map Link: Crystal Export

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Top 5 gemstone gifts for all

Looking for a gift as a symbol of love and friendship!! Here are the gems which are the purest form of love and also has a special power and astrological meaning. That gift which is chosen with the feeling of the heart and soul is the best gift. Here is a list of five gemstones which can be a reason for a gift for everyone.

Amethyst: A stone which promotes complete love and perfect balance. It has regal, purple color which brings depth and understanding.

Blue Sapphire: This is a stone which is perfect for commitment and respect. It is for long-lasting love.

Green Emeralds: It shows the importance of loyalty and faith. It is used to enhance a long-lasting relationship.

Moonstone: It is a symbol of new love. It can be used as a perfect gift for attracting. It can be given to a best friend or to lifelong soulmate.

Ruby: It can be given as a gift to show deep and love full of passion. It is said to have high energy frequency.

Crystal export is one such platform which has a variety of gemstone as gift items for love and friendship!

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Facebook Link: Crystal Export

Twitter Link: Crystal Export

LinkedIn Link: Crystal Export

Pinterest Link: Crystal Export

Google+ Link: Crystal Export